You could be entitled to compensation of up to...

600 €

for a flight distance of more than 3,500 km (2,175 miles)

400 €

for a flight distance between 1,500 km (932 miles) and 3,500 km (2,175 miles)

250 €

for a flight distance of less than 1,500 km (932 miles)

AirRefund | Delay is money

Why choose AirRefund?

No Win, No Fee - no small print!

We only take a commission if the claim is successful. If you paid for your trip with a Visa card, our commission will be reduced meaning you get more

As fast as a Google search

Enter your flight details and we will tell you how much you could be entitled to

A friendly team with expert negotiating powers.

We deal with 200 airlines across the world and know passenger rights inside out

A fast and clear process to get you compensated

98% success rate! The average case takes around 80 days to resolve.

We do the hard work for you

Our goal? To turn a bad experience into a good one

We help you get the compensation you deserve

Departing from Europe on any airline or arriving into Europe on a European airline;
you could be entitled to compensation in the following situations...

  • Flight delay

    Your flight is delayed
    by 3 hours or more

  • Cancellation

    Your flight is cancelled less
    than 14 days before departure

  • Denied boarding

    You have been denied boarding
    by the airline

Thousands of new clients entrust us with their claims each month

See how happy our customers are

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